Film Recent News
Recent news and updates on 'Reconnection'

Reconnection campaign: 100% Success!
Ta-daa, it happened! The Reconnection campaign has crossed the finishing line with 100% success. And it means the online premiere is coming soon! Thank you everyone, who believed in us…

Reconnection campaign: 70% there, just need a final push!
The release of Reconnection, a feature film set in Vrindavan that has won 15 awards at international film festivals, is coming closer to reality. We have prepared GREAT NEW REWARDS,…

It is fabulous, and connects one to Vrindavan
Thank you so much ..the movie is fabulous, and connects one to Vrindavan…

Soft and laconic, beautifully shot film, continuous joy
Lately I rarely indulge myself watching films. I am very accurate in my choices, my free time is very precious to me. Yesterday was that day – I have watched…

Very good movie
Very good movie. nice piece of work by the whole team. congratulations team Reconnection..…

Very useful for preaching
We also watched recently. Amazing Vrindavan dham. Magical dham. Thank you, Govinda Maharaj for presenting the potency of the dham, so wonderfully. Very useful for preaching.…

You really captured the Vrindavan I know and love
Just watched Reconnection the movie and it was amazing! So well done! No wonder it won so many film festival awards. Thank you, Govinda Maharaj and all the others who…

Reconnection offers exactly what we search for – complete tranquility
We have breathlessly watched the film with all our family. And everyone found something special: grandmother remembered her carefree childhood on the farm, two-year daughter was screaming with delight, myself…

An immersion into sounds, images, scents of Vrindavan
It was an amazing film. A film that made me remember something that seemed to be forgotten but at the same time still warm recollection of Vrindavan…First steps, first attempts…

It’s a film about eternal topics, a film that gives hope, a must-see film for everyone
Having visited Vrindavan once, your heart stays there forever. Having watched “Reconnection”, I understood and finally felt with all my being that Vrindavan is in my heart and wherever I…

The film touches people’s souls and hearts
It’s often that I find hard to describe my impressions of a film or a book. Maybe it’s because everyone interprets the surrounding by his own unique way and maybe…

So so so so beautiful
It was so so so so beautiful …thank you for making this movie …i enjoyed every moment of it!…

Short and simple film.. Amazing experience
Short and simple film…..I live in Delhi and I belong to Mathura..but I am watching this film on Vrindavan when I am here at London…..Amazing experience!…

It’s a pitty It was too short!
Well, it had a really bad thing: it’s a pitty It was too short! But my whole family enjoyed it a lot!…

An amazing film with deep mood, an immersion into another dimension
Today I managed to get back to Vrindavan with the hero of Reconnection. It’s an amazing film with deep mood, an immersion into another dimension. Together with the main hero…

Give Reconnection a chance to be seen by as many people as possible
A family team of film-makers who live in Vrindavan, India and travel around the world following the path of bhakti-yoga, authors of Vrindavan Experience, Glimpses of Vraja, Never Stop Chanting…

Film that introduces and reveals the sacred land of Krishna, Sri Vrindavan Dham, as never been done before
I have a lot of appreciation for this well executed film that introduces and reveals the sacred land of Krishna, Sri Vrindavan Dham, as never been done before, set around…

For me, this was a Crying Out Loud film. All the way through
For me, this was a Crying Out Loud film. All the way through. It’s a film about my home, home of my heart, land of dreams, Vrindavan. It’s a sweet…

Beautifully shot and has clearly been a labour of love
A few days ago I had the chance to preview the film ‘Reconnection’. It is beautifully shot and has clearly been a labour of love for the filmmakers – husband…

If we want more uplifting films like this we need to lift up the films like this!
I have been wanting to share Maxim Varfolomeyev’s beautiful project Reconnection and started typing some stuff in here… but then realised Jahnavi already captured my feelings more eloquently. Check out…

It is a fine art to draw people according to where they are at present
I was mostly contrasting in my mind the ‘human element’ / he and his girlfriend, since Jagadananda has been posting about so-called ‘love’ experienced in this world as being a…

The film just fascinates. It is easy to watch but it has a deep meaning at the same time
Thank you for the film! We have watched it with all our family. It’s amazing – although we have never visited Vrindavan, only read and watched about it a lot,…

ISKCON News article on Reconnection and Show Reconnection around the World campaign
We are excited to share this article about our film Reconnection and the fundraising campaign we have started to show Reconnection around the World…

A priceless gift for all the Vaishnavas and those who are in search of meaning of life
After watching “Reconnection” I had only one wish – to take the plane that very second and travel to Vrindavan! And it wasn’t a momentary urge or emotional impulse –…

I had goose bumps hundreds of times and there were many points where I had tears in my eyes
I am lost in admiration! :D
I have just watched an incredible movie about Vrindavan twice. Looots of emotions… I had goose bumps hundreds of times and there were many…

Didn’t want it to end! Completely satisfied..
Didn’t want it to end! Completely satisfied..…

Beautiful film! Enjoyed watching it. Thank you! Radharani’s kripa
Beautiful film! Enjoyed watching it. Thank you! Radharani’s kripa.…

I know how much this project means to Govinda Maharaja
I know how much this project means to Govinda Maharaja. He loves Vraja. If I only had a fraction of the taste for Vraja that he has, I’d have some…

Reconnection Takes First Place and Best Sound Awards, Does Q&A at ReelHeART Film Festival in Toronto
Great news! ‘Reconnection’ takes First Place in the Short Film category and receives Best Sound award during it’s Canadian Premiere at ReelHeART International Film Festival in Toronto, Canada.…

Reconnection Wins the Best Cinematography Award at Creation International Film Festival
Great news! Reconnection wins in the Best Cinematography category at Creation International Film Festival.…

An Official Selection and a Beautiful Review of Reconnection From Creation International Film Festival
‘Reconnection’ gets into an Official Selection and receives a beautiful review by Brian Lutes from Creation International Film Festival, Canada.…

Reconnection Review From Cleveland International Film Festival
Cleveland International Film Festival, a reputable event in a film industry, highlights the stunning National Geographic-like visuals of ‘Reconnection’ and high quality of the production.…

Blackbird Film Fest Reviews Reconnection
A short review of ‘Reconnection’ from Blackbird Film Fest highlights cinematography of the film.…

Lift-Off Global Network of Pinewood Studio Gives A Throughout Review Of Reconnection
Lift-Off Film Festival Global Network, a festival of the famous Pinwood Studio, gives a throughout review of ‘Reconnection’.…

Reconnection Nominated For Best Screenplay, Reviewed by Ouchy Film Awards
Ouchy Film Awards, Switzerland, nominates “Reconnection’ for the Best Screenplay, includes it in Official Selection and gives it a very nice review.…

Largo Awards Reviews Reconnection And Nominates It for Best Sound/Music
‘Reconnection’ makes it into Official Selection of Largo Awards and is being nominated in the Best Music/Sound category.…

Reconnection Wins Jury – Special Mention Award at Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival
‘Reconnection’ wins Special Mention – Jury award at the 6th Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival, named after a pioneer of Indian cinema.…

ReelHeART International Film and Screenplay Festival selects Reconnection
ReelHeART International Film and Screenplay Festival chooses ‘Reconnection’ to be a part of its official selection program.…

Los Angeles CineFest selects Reconnection
April 5, 2016: ‘Reconnection’ gets into the official selection of Los Angeles CineFest film festival.…

Dada Saheb Phalke Festival Selects Reconnection
One of the most famous film festivals in India chooses ‘Reconnection’ to compete in its program.…

Reconnection Wins Best Of Show at Depth Of Field International Film Festival
Great news, ‘Reconnection’ wins Best Of Show Spring 2016 award at Depth Of Field International Film Competition!…

Reconnection Is Selected By GardenCity Film Festival, Bangalore
GardenCity Film Festival chooses ‘Reconnection’ to be a part of its Official Selection.…

Gold Winner Laurel for Reconnection – International Independent Film Awards
‘Reconnection’ receives a prestigious Gold Winner award at International Independent Film Awards, Encino, California, USA…

Wendy’s Shorts Reviews Reconnection
Wendy’s Shorts Awards International Short Film and Video Competition gives a good review for ‘Reconnection’…

Reconnection wins at 12 Months Film Festival, Receives A Good Review
‘Reconnection’ wins a Screenwriter of the Month 3rd Award and receives a flattering review from 12 month Film Festival.…

12 Month, ShortsFest and Depth of Field Select Reconnection
‘Reconnection’ gets into Official Selection of three more festivals: 12 Months Film Festival in Romania, ShortFest International at Malta and Depth of Field Film Festival in USA…

Reconnection Gets Best Feature Nomination, Reviewed by The Monthly Film Festival
‘Reconnection’ makes it into a top three Best Feature nominee list and gets a flattering reviewed from The Monthly Film Festival.…

Reconnection Gets Selected for The Monthly Film Festival, Glasgow, UK
‘Reconnection’ has been officially selected to compete at The Monthly Film Festival, Glasgow, UK. The results gonna be announced on the 31st of January, 2016.…

WILDsound Film Festival Reviews Reconnection
‘Reconnection’ receives a flattering review from WILDsound Film Festival.…

Back in the Box Film Festival: Reconnection Gets Best Cinematography Award
‘Reconnection’ has been honored with Winner – Best Cinematography award at Back in the Box Competition!…

Reconnection Receives an Award of Merit – Accolade Global Film Competition
‘Reconnection’ receives Award of Merit at The Accolade Global Film Competition in La Jolla, California, USA.…

Reconnection Screens at IndieFest USA in Garden Grove, CA
Friday October 16th you have a chance to watch “Reconnection” in the theatre during the Indie Fest USA International Film and Music Festival.…

Reconnection Wins Best Spiritual Award at Great Lakes Film Festival
We are excited to announce that our ‘Reconnection’ has won a Best Spiritual/Religious Film Award at the Great Lakes International Film Festival in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, USA!…

Great Lakes Selects Reconnection
‘Reconnection’ gets selected by Great Lakes International Film Festival in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, USA…

Indie Fest USA Selects Reconnection
‘Reconnection’ gets selected for Indie Fest Film Festival in Garden Grove, California, USA.…

Reconnection Wins Jury Special Mention at Indian Cine Film Festival
‘Reconnection’ wins Jury Special Mention award at Indian Cine Film Festival in Mumbai, India. The legend of Indian cinematography G.L. Bhardwaj hands the award to Maksim Varfolomeev, ‘Reconnection’ film director.…

Indian Cine Film Festival Selects Reconnection
Reconnection is in the selection of the Indian Cine Film Festival to be held in Mumbai on September 19 2015 at Best Western Hotel.…

Reconnection Wins Honorable Mention at SaMo Indie Fest
September 2015: ‘Reconnection’ wins Honorable Mention award at SaMo Indie Fest, Santa Monica, California, USA.…

Flute Playing Arati Inspires Scene in Reconnection
Every night Dinesh Goswami plays bamboo flute at Radha Raman temple. Few years ago while filming Reconnection in Vrindavan we also captured him playing a lullaby melody. Read more about…

Article on Reconnection in ISKCON News
To capture the journey shown on film, the filmmakers often simply placed Armand Gachet in an environment, made the camera invisible, and waited to see what would happen next. Much…

Extended Yamuna Arati Scene
There is a scene in the Reconnection film that features Yamuna Arati. This is an extended video from that actual scene, containing some extra footage that didn’t make it into…

Reconnection Key Cast
Let us introduce you the key cast of the ‘Reconnection’ film.…

Reconnection Gets Official Poster
Check our ‘Reconnection’ official poster!…

Reconnection wins Award of Excellence
We are excited of the first festival news! Our ‘Reconnection’ wins the prestigious Award of Excellence at the Best Shorts Competition Film Festival in La Jolla, California, USA!…