An corporate invitation video, showcasing Aquaplex company presence at Big 5 construction show at Dubai World Trade Centre. An example of production that includes event filming, editing, motion graphics, video and audio…
Aquaplex at Big5 Construction Show – Event Promo

A corporate mini documentary about the innovative and first in Dubai, UAE vertical farming project Badia Farms. This is an example of production that includes pre-shoot concept planning, on-location filming, studio time-lapse…
Vertical Farming in Dubai – Corporate mini documentary

A commercial for Lower your BP UAE Dubai social campaign from Servier brand. This is an example of production that includes scripting, casting, studio filming, editing, some video and audio post production.…
Lower Your BP – Social Commercial

An official Opening ceremony of the first in Dubai and UAE innovative vertical farming project Badia Farms, inaugurated by the UAE Minister of Climate Change and Environment, Dr Thani Bin Ahmed Al…
Badia Farms Vertical Farm Opening – An Event Video

A corporate highlight video, showcasing the Aquaplex presence at the Big 5 exhibition at Dubai World Trade Centre.…
Aquaplex at Big 5 – Dubai World Trade Center

A TV commercial for a chips brand Drive, an example of Ad production that includes scripting, casting, acting, directing, props, narration, some video and audio post production.…
Chips brand product launch – TV Commercial

A TV commercial for a Russian cellular operator tariff plan launch. Motion graphics by Nick Sushkevich. This is an example of Ad production that includes scripting, motion graphics, narration, some video and…
Cellular operator tariff – TV Commercial

A TV commercial for a family-oriented pharmaceutical network Zdrava, an example of Ad production that includes scripting, 3D and motion graphics, narration, some video and audio post production.…
Pharmaceutical network TV Commercial

A TV commercial for a dental clinic. “It seems this house doesn’t have an owner. Do your teeth have one?” This is an example of Ad production that includes scripting, 3D and…
Dental clinic TV Commercial

A set of 3 short TV commercials for a Russian Internet provider. This is an example of Ad production that includes 3D and motion graphics, narration, some video and audio post production.…
Internet provider TV Commercial

A TV commercial for a launch of a tariff plan of a cellular operator, an example of Ad production that includes scripting, 3D and motion graphics, narration, some video and audio post…
Cellular operator TV Comercial – Tariff

A TV commercial for a launch campaign of a car newspaper, an example of Ad production that includes scripting, motion graphics, narration, some video and audio post production.…
Newspaper launch TV Campaign – Silencer